Popular media, particularly movies and paranormal T.V. shows, has many believing that demons are everywhere, attacking and haunting the living around every corner. They are blamed for every type of paranormal activity people experience and the concept of being "possessed" has become regarded as being as common as seeing the sun.
But is this the case? Is this belief based in fact? The answer is simple: no.
Demonic and other negative non-human entities do exist in the world - and when they do target a person or household, they are destructive, dangerous, and in some cases deadly. But those who work in the paranormal field avoid using the "D" word, except in extreme cases. Why? Because they are not nearly as common as people think they are, and they certainly aren't to blame for every paranormal experience a person may encounter.
But there is another factor in this belief beyond popular media - and that is fear. Most people react to paranormal encounters with fear. It is a natural fight or flight response because we are experiencing something unexplained caused by something we cannot see and therefore don't know how to protect against. However, just because you are afraid does not mean you are in danger of demonic attack.
I have seen and heard people blaming activity on "something evil" many times. But when you analyze what they are experiencing, after you investigate to make certain there are no natural explanations for these experiences, more often than not, the activity is incredibly benign.

Footsteps up and down the halls, doors opening and closing, knocking or banging noises, unexplained voices, and even apparitions are fairly standard types of activity. But often, it is assumed that there is negative intent, because it scares us. Yet none of these forms of activity are harmful. They could be caused by any number of spirits, including deceased family members or former owners or residents - in other words, human spirits. If it was something truly negative, the activity would be much more severe - throwing objects, scratching, biting, pushing, night terrors, and so on.
And the fear you experience? It only provides more energy for them to continue to do the things that scare you.
Of course, I am not telling you not to be afraid or that your fear is invalid - these experiences can be scary. But more often than not they are caused by a human spirit. Perhaps they are seeking recognition, or they have a message they want to give, or they are simply going about their business. It isn't something to fear, but it is something that can be addressed, all on your own.
Many don't realize the power that we hold over spirits like this. You have the power to put them in their place. Tell them sternly that if they wish to coexist with you, that they can't scare you or tell them they need to leave entirely. It is your home, not theirs, and you have the power to reclaim your space.
So it is important to rationalize these situations. Ask yourself, "Am I being harmed? Is this activity destructive to my home and relationships?". If they answers are no, then you probably aren't dealing with something negative. Just an unseen visitor or roommate.
Don't let popular media fool you and don't let fear create assumptions. The demon you think is there is probably just a regular old dead person.